Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Words that are starting to annoy me

No sure why... but these overused words have started to make me cringe whenever i hear them being mentioned. Or maybe its just the way some people use it, thinking it would sound cool in a very wrong context. Like "anyhowly" talk. hee hee some are not even real words.

1) " Moving forward..." very sickening way of cutting people off and getting them to move their asses on what they are supposed to do in a discussion or a politician's favourite phrase of saying He/she has a "vision for tomorrow".
2) "Apparently..." when used to start a statement, not to defend a point made previously.
3) " I beg to differ.." again used to start a statement, not to defend a point made previously.
4) " On contrary..." used when they is nothing contrary about the point mentioned to the previous or subsequent statement. leaving the listening hanging and confused.
5) " Just do this thing... then that thing to solve the thing..." super overused in my office, no one but people in my office know exactly what this thing and that thing and the thing means. ( they are all three completely different "things")
6) " On a daily basis..." If you want to emphasize something why not just say everyday?
7) " Can you zerolize this?" Used to say when you want to offset an expense using an alternative fund. why say zerolize when a simple"offset" will suffice?

Thanks for bearing with me, i just wrote this to remind myself not to speak horrible english EVER. and stick to simple and non-bombastic vocabulary feats.
Check out more annoying words/phrases on this link from Lake Superior State University 2008 list of Banished words They have been compiling this list for the last 30 years!